“Organizations that communicate effectively are 4.5 times more likely to retain the best people.” ~ Watson Wyatt, Worldwide Consulting Firm

When an organization is able to retain their best employees, both productivity and the organizational bottom line will increase.
Your employees are your most valuable asset. Ensuring their happiness while maximizing their productivity is critical to a successful organization. One method to create a successful organization is to employ effective communication throughout the company and to create and sponsor team building events. Research indicates that face-to-face communication is a proven means to effective communication.
35% of the variation in a team’s performance can be attributed to the number of team member face-to-face exchanges.
Introducing a team – building day provides a team with important face-to-face communication. Team members engaging in work related and non-work related discussions will cultivate strong relationships. Teams are formed when members are given the opportunity to share their common experiences and bond with each other. Team relationships can often be difficult to form due to high-stress levels, constant pressure to perform, and little or no face-to-face contact with co-workers.
Companies with engaged employees generate 2.5 times greater revenues than companies with low engagement levels. If you are looking for methods to increase revenues, consider making your organization a fun, collaborative environment to work in.
Today’s workplace is primarily traditional and more increasingly, virtual. In traditional environments, physical barriers such as cubicles and poor floor planning often develop between team members represent a challenge to a team community and helps to suppress collaboration and team growth. Time away from the traditional workplace, an opportunity to share ideas, working together to meet common goals and experience visual contact with each other is a recipe for the forming of a cohesive team.
50% of the positive changes in communication patterns within the workplace are attributed to employee social interactions outside the workplace.

86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration and ineffective communication as a primary cause of workplace failures.
A cohesive team will work more effectively, be more inclined to reach out to each other to resolve problems and challenges and be more productive. The increase in productivity will translate to higher organizational profit.
Companies and organizations that communicate effectively are 4.5 times more likely to retain the best employees. When developing and planning team building activities and exercises, focus on those that will increase and improve communication among your employees.
Corporate training is available that focuses on the many areas including:
Leadership and Management
Finance and Accounting
Human Resource Management
Personal Development
English Language
Sales and Marketing
Customer Service
When an organization invests in training, Managers, Supervisors and Team Leads acquire advanced communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills. These skills enable them to improve employee relationships and aid in resolving issues quickly and effectively.
The ideal vision of teamwork resembles cogs in a machine working together seamlessly. Often an organization functions like an octopus with tentacles flailing everywhere with no real purpose or direction. Transparency and effective communication are the keys to true alignment. When all parties involved are aware of the team objectives, and they understand that the team’s contributions affect the outcome of those objectives, alignment becomes real.
When communication breaks down, redundant and duplicated work, reduced quality and productivity become apparent. Subsequently, frustration among team members and Management result from poor communication.
Top Ten Rapport Building Questions
What personality trait are you most proud of inheriting from your parent(s)?
On a typical day, your team functions most like:
A shiny red Ferrari
A double decker tour bus
A rusty old truck
A limousine
An army tank
What is the most outrageous thing you have done for a friend?
The cartoon character I am most like is because…
If your team were suddenly cast under a magic spell by a powerful wizard,
Who is the wizard?
What is the spell?
What must be done to remove the spell?
What is the most difficult lesson you have learned in your life?
What is the most likely reason someone would wish to join your organization and what would be the most likely reason someone would wish to leave your organization?
As a child, what was your favourite toy or possession?
What do you want to be doing five years from now?
You are about to receive five million to be used towards the growth and prosperity of your organization. How will you spend the money?